Three years after the start of the clone wars, Obi-Wan and Anakin find themselves lured into a plot that may offset the balance of the force, and set the Sith up for rule.
Read MoreStar Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Directed by: George Lucas
Starring: Hayden Christensen, Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor, Ian McDiarmid, Samuel L. Jackson, Frank Oz, Jimmy Smits, Christopher Lee
Rated: PG-13 for Sci-Fi Violence and Some Intense Images
Running Time: 2 h 20 m
TMM Score: 3 stars out of 5
STRENGTHS: Darker Entry, Some Action, Production Design
WEAKNESSES: Pacing, Battle Fatigue, Acting, Ubiquitous CGI, Dialogue, Cheesy Moments