“Good Tough Kid”
Kelly Finger-McNeela was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis her freshman year of high school. The only thing on her mind was living a “normal” life. Her disease threatened to make that impossible.
With each passing milestone, the questions persisted; "Will this be too much? Should I take an easier path? Stay home, stay single, get on disability?"
Kelly couldn't imagine a life spent in her little home town, in slow retreat, waiting for the inevitable.
She took every challenge head on and paved the way for those who came behind by going to her dream university, careering in big cities, marrying her college sweetheart, and adopting a daughter when kids didn't seem like an option.
Her short life was vibrant and shining. She made her goals and worked tirelessly to achieve them.
Kelly set out to live an ordinary life…
…but instead, lived a remarkable one.
From my first interviews with Kelly’s family and friends their eyes were bright with an admiration for her that I only see in those who know deep struggle.
Not merely the “WOW” of being impressed by a star athlete's signature move but a deep seated, “wow,” of understanding that greatness is not always flashy.
I had only begun to get to know Kelly when her health took a turn and we lost her. There are still so many questions that I will never be able to ask her.
After she passed, I didn’t know what to do with the unfinished project. I found that no matter how incomplete it seemed, it was always in the back of mind. “Good Tough Kid” sat on a literal shelf for years and completing it seemed like a pipe dream.
I kept a picture of Kelly in my Grand Rapids home as a memento of my brief time becoming her friend. Seeing it every day inspired me to press forward, because Kelly would never give up and had so much more to overcome in her life.
I chose this story because people admired and loved Kelly. I finished it because she inspired me.
Personally, I only got to know Kelly briefly and from a distance, but after her passing I continued my interviews with her friends and family and it was through their stories that I really got to know what this woman’s life was about.
I and a small team of dedicated people have done our best to capture the essence of this beautiful life in our film "Good Tough Kid." We hope you’ll fall in love with Kelly just like we did.
Follow on Facebook for updates on festival appearances and other ways you can see “GOOD TOUGH KID.”
One of the most significant seasons of challenge in Kelly’s life was when she was no longer able to live at home.
Kelly was never able to move into one but dreamed of a place specifically built and designed for her and others in similar situations to hers, to live together in fulness.
One such place is Olivia’s Gift.
For those who have had many of their abilities stripped away by accident, disease, or genetic condition, the challenges of independent housing, care, and societal stimulation can be monumental. Olivia’s Gift is dedicated to providing these needs.
Click through using this button to learn more about how you can help meet this need for others, in Kelly’s name.